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  • "The land of the free and the home of the brave," these closing words of the U.S. national anthem, "The Star Spangled Banner" (星条旗歌), sum up the ideals that many citizens of the United States have for their country. Ideals and values play an important role in the cultural life of the United States, just as they do in any country.

    One of the most important ideals of the United States -- and an important part of the way many people in the United States see themselves -- is that of freedom. From the time of the American Revolution, when the colonists declared independence from England, the Untied States has attracted people seeking freedom.

    A second ideal of great importance in the United States is that of role by the people. The framers of the Constitution of he United States strove to ensure that political power would lie in the hands of the voters, not a king or dictator. So they created a federal government composed of three branches -- legislative, executive, and judicial -- to prevent any one part of the government from becoming too powerful.

    Another key value in the United States is that of the rights of the individual. The Bill of Rights is intended to safeguard the fights of the individual and guarantee protection from unjust treatment by the government or the majority. The importance of this protection is reflected in newspaper articles about violations of individual fights. Family, minority group, worker, student, and professional issues often center on questions of individual rights.

    However, individuals and groups together struggle for prominence in the United States of today. For all of the importance of individualism, group identity also plays an important role in people's cultural values.

    What is the ideal upheld in the US national anthem?





  • 美国是当今世界具有巨大影响力的国家,从不同角度通过不同途径感知美国历史,借鉴美国崛起的经验,可以为实现中华民族的伟大复兴献计献策。结合所学知识,回答下列问题。《大国崛起》在讲述“美洲大陆北部,有一个飘扬着星条旗的国家,这个国家出现,虽然只有230年的历史,但却演绎了大国兴起的罕见奇迹”时出现了右图所示的精彩镜头。“‘一幢裂开的房子是站立不住的。’我相信这个政府不能永远维持半奴隶和半自由的状态。我不期望联邦解散,我不期望房子崩塌,但我的确希望它停止分裂。”——l858年6月林肯图表数据是历史现象的有力佐证。下图为二战后美国经济发展状况图。(1)请写出宣告“这个国家”诞生的文件名称和“这个国家”诞生的历史意义。

  • 阅读下列材料:材料一:“在美洲大陆北部,有一个飘扬着星条旗的国家……这个国家的出现,虽然只有230多年的历史,但却演绎了大国兴起的罕见奇迹。它在欧洲文明的基础上独创性地走出了一条发展之路,将世界第一强国的位置占据了一个多世纪。”




  • 美国是当今世界具有巨大影响力的国家,从不同角度通过不同途径感知美国历史,借鉴美国崛起的经验,可以为实现中华民族的伟大复兴献计献策。结合所学知识,回答下列问题。《大国崛起》在讲述“美洲大陆北部,有一个飘扬着星条旗的国家,这个国家出现,虽然只有230年的历史,但却演绎了大国兴起的罕见奇迹”时出现了右图所示的精彩镜头。“‘一幢裂开的房子是站立不住的。’我相信这个政府不能永远维持半奴隶和半自由的状态。我不期望联邦解散,我不期望房子崩塌,但我的确希望它停止分裂。”——l858年6月林肯图表数据是历史现象的有力佐证。下图为二战后美国经济发展状况图。(4)借鉴美国崛起的经验,请你为实现中华民族的伟大复兴提出合理建议。

  • 美国的国旗为“星条旗”,其中有_____星

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